Company Overview

We’re pleased to introduce the company, Baro Credit, which is always with customers.

처음부터 끝까지, 당신과 함께하는 든든한 동행
경영이념 내용
Speedy We always deliver rapid and simple services and have a culture of loans that are transparent and right.
Moreover, we comply with related laws and ethical codes of the company strictly, and contribute to "making a living together"
by donating part of profits to society.
Simple Our company provides conveniences as much as possible by minimizing the time necessary for loan service thanks to simple
document processes while we make efforts to become a consumer's financial company by providing suitable loan services
just in time for customers.
Transparent Our company will carry out the social responsibilities with transparent management and accounting system for our investors
who supported the foundation of the company, financial institutions helping us to run our business, and customers who
love and use our services, and financial Supervisory institutions leading us to be responsible.
All our employees and directors will make more efforts for customers, investors, financial institutions, and other people with
our 3 slogans "Simple, Speedy, and Transparent."